Tiger plants 250 initial trees followed by one per trailer

Leading manufacturer, Tiger Trailers, has planted two hundred and fifty trees, one for each of its employees, ahead of the company’s initiative, starting on October 1st 2022, to plant a tree for every confirmed trailer order – meaning an anticipated 2,000 or more new trees annually.

Tiger is passionate about CSR and ESG and has launched a wide range of projects over the last eighteen months, with this latest initiative in conjunction with THG (more:trees) from its Cheshire neighbour, The Hut Group, comprising an additional way in which the manufacturer cares for the environment. It will also plant a tree on each colleague’s birthday, starting from January 1st 2023.

Alison Cartwright, Tiger Trailers’ CSR Manager, comments: “The environment is close to my heart and to Tiger as a company, and we want to do as much as we can to make the world we all live in as green and clean as possible, especially with our children and future generations in mind. In parallel with our roof solar panel and electric car initiatives, I am truly delighted that we have planted a tree for each #TeamTiger member, and that we will be planting a tree for each confirmed trailer order from now on.”

From smaller operators ordering half a dozen box vans, to worldwide logistics firms committing to several hundred curtainsiders, the semi-trailer manufacturer’s customers will receive a certificate following the confirmation of each order they make, outlining the number of trees that will be planted in their name, the location this will benefit, and how much CO2 this is anticipated to sequester – meaning to capture or store.

Lots of small gestures can form a significant boost in combatting climate change, and the trees planted around the world by THG (more:trees) contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development goals. Planting one single tree results in many benefits, from absorbing carbon from the atmosphere, providing farms with work to support the local economy, and giving someone an income and a skill to feed their family, to protecting animals from deforestation, increasing rainfall, purifying water, and improving crop yield.

Tiger’s CSR and ESG activities are expanding quickly, having started with the launch of the Tiger Safety Team and its ‘STOP LOOK BE SEEN’ road safety programme for schools, followed by projects with local charities through the Cheshire Community Foundation such as Cheshire Buddies and Passion For Learning. Solar panels on top of the Winsford manufacturer’s 168,000 sq ft factory, an electric vehicle charging scheme and twelve charge points including rapid chargers, and plans for a conservation and wilding area on the firm’s site have also benefited Tiger’s people and the local community.


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