Tiger Trailers is proud to announce the start of its official support of men’s mental health charity, Mentell, during Mental Health Awareness Week 2022, which between May 9th and 15th has the theme ‘together we can tackle loneliness.’ Helen and Gary from the charity were welcomed to Tiger’s canteen for a few hours on the Tuesday to introduce themselves and their support provision to #TeamTiger, and Mentell’s videos played on the TV screens around the factory throughout MHAW.
Using the thought-provoking question ‘Men, is it time to talk?’, Mentell provides circles for men to talk in a safe and confidential space, free from advice and judgement. They are a charity funded and supported in other ways by Cheshire Community Foundation (CCF), the local umbrella organisation that Tiger Trailers is a proud donor to. The manufacturer’s CSR ethos is to primarily work with schools, voluntary groups and other entities in its local county of Cheshire to ensure that it can play as active and hands-on a part as possible, with added reassurance that it invests its time, finances and other resources in reputable organisations that are all CCF members.
Helen Barton, Mentell’s Community Business Developer, comments: “Mentell are delighted that Tiger Trailers have chosen us as their Charity Partner. We look forward to working with them raise awareness of Men’s Mental Health and Suicide Prevention along with the service that Mentell can provide to men, both in their workplace and within the wider community that they support.”
Mentell’s mission is to reconnect men with the circle, by offering every man the opportunity to talk. Suicide is the biggest cause of death for men under 35, and with Tiger’s 220+ workforce as an HGV trailer manufacturer mainly comprising men, it was an easy decision to pledge awareness support to this charity whose prime focus is men aged 18 and over.
The online and in-person circles operate around a structure of members, facilitators and a support team, backed by the charity’s trustees, and Mentell’s work is guided by 7 principles, which span from safety, confidentiality and respect, to freeness from judgement, from commitment and from advice, its member attendees able to share only as much as they feel able to, or simple to listen – which in itself can provide a significantly positive boost to the way someone is feeling.
Mentell is included in many of the events and initiatives that Tiger’s CSR and communications teams are planning throughout 2022, driven by a heartfelt determination to raise awareness of such organisations in the humbling realisation that doing so may save one or more lives and positively change a person’s future. July 10th will see over twenty #TeamTiger volunteers cycle the 60 miles from Manchester to Blackpool wearing blue Mentell clothing.
In the wider context, Mental Health Awareness Week 2022 with the hashtag #IveBeenThere has seen some excellent resources and tips shared by the Mental Health Foundation and other organisations, and many of Tiger Trailers’ customers, suppliers and partners have been introducing excellent initiatives via their social media channels, from Home Bargains, Boughey and Wincanton to Royal Mail, EVRi/Hermes and Volvo dealer Thomas Hardie Commercials, along with other well-known names in the road transport, logistics and haulage sector such as DFDS, Gist, Woodside Logistics Group and Zenith.